Intelligent schooling goes digital
Tell me where you are from and I'll tell you what's on the syllabus. In Germany, education is a matter for the federal states, which means that each federal state has its own laws and curricula. That's why, of course, there are no uniform textbooks and materials. Learnify collects the teaching materials of every state, every type of school and every class level and prepares them so that they are quick and easy to understand. Homework, exercises, learning units, timetables at a glance.
Status: Concept
In order to get a better picture of the needs and problems of people in the educational sector (both students and teachers), it was very important to get to know the target group and their point of view beforehand. For this purpose I conducted interviews with several students from gymnasiums in Lower Saxony, as well as with teachers from secondary schools and high schools. In the end, the insights were very clear and problems were easily identified.
First of all, one of the most strongly perceived problems is the lack of digitisation and the associated dynamism and efficiency in German schools. Teaching is not digital, students are sometimes much more adept at using digital tools than teachers, and teachers' willingness to learn new digital concepts is sometimes relatively low. This hampers the progress of the schools tremendously, which is why a disruptive innovation on the part of politics/schools is hardly possible.